Monday, November 5, 2012

Tasty Convienence!

After receiving My BzzzKit and finding the Perdue Oven Ready Turkey Roast, i couldn't wait to invite over firends to give it a try. I invited 4 forends over for a 'Post-Thanksgiving" feast. As my guests entered, they could smell the aroma of the roast in the oven, filling the house with the smell of a fresh baked turkey. I didn't tell them that the roast was a perdue Oven Ready, just that we were having turkey. Along with mashed potatoes, gravy, macaroni and cheese, stuffing and cranberry sauce, the roast was served. Every one of my guests commented on the flavor, moistness and fresh baked turkey flavor. Not a bit was left over, seconds were served and it was completely gone! After dinner was served, i showed them the package that the roast came in, they were, to put it mildly.....shocked! I told them about this new product and the ease of preparation. THEN, I passed out the coupons that were sent along with the kit. ALL of them said they were going to try it. Not only did I have 4 happy guests that evening, I knew that they left enjoying one of the BEST, easiest meals I had ever made.

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