All dog food is NOT created equal!
Most folks think that all dog food is the same, nothing could be firther fromt he truth. And, if you want to take care of your pooch right, Eukanuba is THE brand for you.I've always known that serving high quality dog food can result in a happy, healthy dog. But, after trying Eukanuba brand (I'm a BzzAgent and received samples or coupons) I see now that this IS the highest qulaity dog food on the market.
My pooch Duke is used to a pretty finicky diet (using a different brand), but after one bowl of Eukanuba with with 3D DentaDefense™, he was convinced. He woofed the entire bowl down in one fell swoop! In addition, I noticed an increased "pep in his step". He wanted to play, be outside and run around, AND was waiting patiently at the pantry door for the next bowl. Now, that's a true sign that he wanted MORE!
If you love your dog as much as I do, serve him ONLY the best....and that is Eukanuba. You and your pet will be happy. And, a happy pet makes for the best buddy you can ask for.